
I have a problem where any tool that is not directly attached to my Google account is doomed to either be forgotten about, or depreciated in ways that I do not appreciate. (Punny as ever, even after a long hiatus from public longform writing.) I figured that I need to start putting my thoughts out there into the world, lest I become too insular with my journaling. So here I am. This will be written as off-the-cuff as possible, so that I can actually get this out there instead of second-guessing it.

We are in the age of thinking sand, the dawn of genius silicon. This is a special time to be alive. Let us revel in our words, and think to the future that shall be ours.

I have a thing where I like to alternate the styles of my paragraphs to see if there is a way to develop a new rhythm in all the thoughts that I produce. Someone reading this aloud might see how much my writing follows the pathways of an inner monologue. Indeed, I wrote this post in almost one shot without thinking too much about it. That makes it a lot easier to get things out there. It is hard to slow down and force myself to edit, as that makes me way too self-conscious.

Make the things that matter most. Never forget to look to heaven.

Give the bare minimum effort, then hit Publish. I was told in grade school that five paragraphs is all an essay needs, so as soon as I am done with this one, I will dash it off. As I got to this point in writing this first post, I thought with horror: “Does Blogger have ads?” Well, I will find out soon as I leave this page. Fingers crossed.


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