Parable of the Eternal Home

Present. A painting by the love of my dreams.

In your possession is a whole bag of gems, more beautiful than anything you ever knew. You want to put them in a place in your life that you would never forget, that will never be taken away.

Where do you put them?

The foundation of your eternal home.

An image of a person kneeling beside a pile of colorful gems, contemplating where to place them.

You mix concrete using all the pebbles, sand, and limestone you have on hand. You crush some shells that you had lying around, but had no other use for.

A picture of hands mixing different materials - pebbles, sand, limestone, and crushed shells - to create concrete.

You pour the foundation, and then press your gems into this wet creation. Safely embedded, locked in one place.

An image of a foundation being poured, with gems carefully pressed into the wet concrete.

Then you build the rest of your house, with whatever you want. Maybe it is time to fell some trees that are blocking the view of the sun over the sea, of the old port at the mouth of the river. Oh, there was also the lumber from other houses that toppled due to winds blowing across the sands.

A scene showing the construction of a house, with various materials being used, including lumber from fallen trees and other houses.

Soon, you have created a new abode.

A picture of the completed house, standing tall with a view of the sea in the background.

You put everything you have in this home. This all increases your attachment to the rooms, the walls, the doorways. Above all (well, below it all), you know the greatest treasure is always there, safely buried. Whenever you sleep, you know you are lying atop a pile of riches.

An image of someone lying in bed inside the house, with a subtle glow emanating from beneath the floor, indicating the presence of the buried treasure.

One day, you die. Your home is there. All that you put there will crumble, and will turn into ruins. It might be razed, if others cannot see its beauty.

A depiction of the house in ruins, with vegetation reclaiming the land and rubble scattered around.

Those who see the skill of the builder, the love of the creator, will look below the rubble for the root of the fruitful tree.

The foundation, once hard to penetrate, is easier to pierce with the new technologies of the future, of the world that was to come.

An illustration of future archaeologists or explorers using advanced technology to uncover the buried treasure beneath the ruins.

They find your gems, and they see the wisdom of building one's house and life above their buried treasure.

A scene showing people discovering the gems and realizing the wisdom of embedding treasures in the foundation of their homes.

They learn. They do the same.

An image of new houses being built with gems embedded in their foundations, inspired by the discovery of the buried treasure.

Adapted from my Twitter thread.


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