Pledge to Me & You

You are the love of my dreams.

The future of art and expression is already here. We all have the resources to speak to the rest of the world, using all manners of media and with all manners of tools. Artificial intelligence is but one more item in our armory, one more skill to put into our weapons slot. We will keep on seeing the landscape of human expression change over and over.

The hope I have for the future scares me a little. (The part where I got married this month might also contribute to that. We are trying for a baby.)

The writings I put down in my Obsidian often do not see the light of day. I write with the intention of helping myself think while also drafting different ideas. But in the end, everything stays in the form of broken notes. A few micro-essays here and there, but nothing that substantial. I have learned a lot, but what fruits do I have to show for it?

I have something to add to the conversation. I know it! So, why do I not speak?

Speaking to the world is a joy of mine, but also a fear. Why do I hold back so much? Because I often think that void is better than being. It seems like it might be good to leave all this room here, in case I want to fill it later. Yet, I could also just delete any blog posts (or tweets, or YouTube videos...) that I dislike. In the end, I am full of excuses. Nothing but flimsy pretenses.

No more holding back. I will write in more public places, and let myself push out the materials that, as they are, are (are, are!) doomed to rot in my personal vault. I can do better than that. Am I not to be the steward of my talents?

I will write more outwardly. In fact, I will try to commit to posting anything on here that does not have any risk of being horribly misconstrued. I have many writings that I will probably have to scaffold much more before I put them out into the world, but for the ones that I am ready to share as they are, I will put them here.

This post uses no AI, because I decided to simply write it in one sitting and let that stand for itself. I will keep on searching for new ways of expressing myself, and going fully old school—if typing myself can count as that!—is the right thing to do for now. But I plan on using other tools more, too! Why not? This blog is essentially just a public notebook, anyway. If I can put things together and make them beautiful, I think that is a (meta-)beautiful thing.


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